Of all the things Montana rancher Bryce Fontaine expected to find hiding in his hayloft, a disheveled, beauty with sensuous freckles and blazing red hair, was not one of them. The terrified, yet feisty girl was obviously running away from something. Bryce ignores his past demons and listens to the undeniable and unsuspecting pull of his heart toward Sophie. He takes charge of protecting Sophie from the man she claims murdered her family and is threatening to force her into a marriage bordering on sexual slavery. The love they find for each other proves to be stronger than the uncertainties of their future as they bind together to defeat the monster that pursues them. Surprises abound in this fast paced love story that will keep you spellbound until the last page.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Susan Marmo creates a vivid setting with wonderful characters in Just Sophie. Romance abounds. I could not put this book down – waiting to find out what happens and where the book would take me next. You root for Sophie and her dear Bryce – and all the passion that their love encompasses. Surprises appear – chapter after chapter…just the kind of storyline that keeps me glued. I loved it. You will, too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I say an entertaining quick read, I really mean it. I purchased this book from Susan President’s Day weekend. I started reading it on Sunday morning while my wife slept in. Reading it is an understatement, I inhaled it. Susan has done a beautiful job in creating her characters and has used a deft hand in their interactions and progressions throughout the book. She kept me turning page after page all while I was supposed to be in the shower. The adventures of this young spirited Sophie held me spell bound for 3 hours, we were late getting to our event. All day long I thought about the book and the half that I digested and the other half yet unread. I had the great opportunity to see Susan and share my admiration and discuss the book. What a kind and giving author that would spend so much of her busy day discussing her book with me. Monday morning was much like Sunday, only I skipped breakfast at the hotel and jumped into the trials and tribulations of Just Sophie. I finished this book in about another 2 hours. I rather enjoyed the plot and how everytime I thought I was one step ahead of the author, she threw me for a loop. Surprise after surprise!! I am now anxiously awaiting Ms. Marmo’s new book which she hopes to have out by fall. Just Sophie left me wanting more! More Sophie!! More Susan Marmo!! Well done!! – RevDan54
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Could not put it down! Love the fast pace storyline with all of its twists and turns!! When I finished the book, I could not help but think that this would be a great Hallmark movie! Maybe someday! Hope a third book is already in progress; patiently waiting! – Jill Miller
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Set in the Territory of Montana at the end of the 19th century, Just Sophie is the story of two ranches and its inhabitants. Emotions run high, from the depth of treachery to heights of love, passion and despair. Page after page, the suspense of this fast-paced drama never lets you down. – Nicholas Klepper
I couldn’t put this book down -I was sucked in from page 1! I thoroughly enjoyed the authors first book, and her second novel did not disappoint!! The characters are so endearing and long after I was done reading the book, they were still on my mind. I really enjoyed the historical period, and western setting. I can’t wait to read what the author has planned for her third novel :) – Maria
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The best book I have read in a long time. The author kept me on edge of my seat not knowing what was coming next. This book is an excellent read and I highly recommend to anyone that is looking for something great to read. – Jody Junior
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Such a cute read! I couldn’t put it down! Definitely putting this in my “beach bag” this summer to read while at the beach. ;-) – SwimMom67
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sophie is a spitfire! I Love her! It’s definitely a little different than a typical romance novel. I love the characters! – P. McHugh
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Susan’s second published novel shows a growing finesse in plot and character development. She has provided five strong primary characters and a half-dozen more – each with depth that engaged me throughout the action-filled adventure. I could “see” the tale unfold with vivid color and energy and I read it straight through on one long plane ride. Thanks for a fun escape in the air — and a story and a leading lady that stayed in the fringes of my mind for days after. – kcoxford